The Rebel Family: Uncover Your Unique Identity as a Family (Part 3 of 3)

Your family will never have full fulfillment if you're doing what every other family's doing. Your family needs to be its own unique version of itself. You need to be a rebel family. It's time to push against the crowd and whatever everyone else is doing and be you. This is is the final part of...

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The Rebel Family: Uncover Your Unique Identity as a Family (Part 2 of 3)

Welcome to part 2 of a 3 part series on how to be a rebel family. All of this in celebration of the launch of Graham's book, September 3rd, Rebel, Find Yourself by Not Following the Crowd. Last episode, we talked about the problem of conformity and really we talked about the pain that you're...

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The Rebel Family: Uncover Your Unique Identity as a Family (Part 1 of 3)

We believe so strongly that your family has a unique family identity that we're going to dedicate the next three episodes to talking about how you can find your unique family identity, be a Rebel family, by not conforming to the way everybody else is doing family these days. I am so excited. All...

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Parenting advice from a 15 year old's perspective (interviewing my daughter)

Parenting advice from parents is one thing. Getting the perspective of their teenage kids is another! Today I bring on my 15 year old daughter Chloe to ask her some pointed questions and get her honest feedback on our parenting decisions. This ought to be fun!

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Practical Ways to Rest as a Family Part 2 - Internal Rest

We're talking about rest today. This is part two of a simple two -part series. We talked about physical rest last week, the external rest. How can you cultivate some rhythms or practices to create space to rest as an individual, a couple, family, et cetera. So definitely check out that episode....

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Practical Ways to Rest as a Family-Part 1-External Rest

Anybody out there just tired? This is for you if you are like most of America, burning the candle at both ends with no real sign of any change in sight. We want to talk about rest in a two-part series. First covering external rest, rhythms of external rest, and then the second one will cover...

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Work Life Alignment for a Thriving Family

I know work-life balance is a phrase that people just love to hate on for some reason right now, but I think it's generally because we're not doing a great job of balancing work and life. And so we just dismiss it. What we want to talk about today is how to have alignment with your work and life...

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Our Fave Parenting Hack for The Difficult Years

There was a season I remember very well when it felt like we were doing nothing but disciplining all the time. It was absolutely exhausting and I felt like we were failing as parents because it felt like they weren't learning anything. And then somehow, I don't remember where, but I learned this...

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The “No Yelling” Marriage

Shay and I have a strict no yelling policy in our marriage. We have had it from day one, and it wasn't actually something we officially signed, it just is something that happened kind of organically. Over time, we've realized that this is a bit rare and we've seen the benefits of it. When we've...

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Kids and Tech (how we are handling it)

The one thing that we get asked the most about as a couple, is how do we handle kids and technology? Definitely a hot topic. This is going to be a quick and dirty episode talking about how we have handled tech with our kids. We haven't done everything right. We aren't doing everything right now....

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4 encouragements for parents of littles

Parenting little kids is so freaking hard. Can we just say that? Hey, this episode is for you moms and dads that still have little kids in the house. We're gonna spend the next 30 minutes pumping you up with encouragement. So, if you're just having one of those days and you're not feeling for...

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The Art of Fatherhood

What's the secret to winning as a dad? What truly makes a great father? While I (Graham) haven't completely figured that out I want to talk today about the art of fatherhood and how we men can grow as dads to be the best dad our kids could ever have.

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